Six distinctive branded districts will be created to help reposition the trail regionally. This will attract sustainable growth, economic
development, academic institutions, food and entertainment business, and bring traditional and non-traditional jobs and industry to the
corridor. Each district will have a different redevelopment approach, based on the understanding of the existing jobs and key players, which
informed the vision and character of each one of the future districts. Each district should be encouraged to grow as a connected series
of commercial stores, mixed used development with stores and office on the ground floor, and more intense and focused nodes at key
Each district should incorporate the assets of the area, such as key buildings, institutions, parks, and lake system as well as
the relationship to the adjacent and abutting residential areas. The intent is not to create 8 miles of the same character, but to focus time,
effort, and investment toward building a unique corridor and the opportunites that exist both in the public realm (the streets and parks) and the
private realm (lots and buildings).