OBTNext principles header


Change and Reposition

The OBT corridor—The Trail—will encourage transformative and bold changes to improve the perception of the corridor as safe, economically vibrant, diverse, and collectively managed and governed. This will reposition “The Trail” in the Central Florida region as a place of distinctive districts and destinations bringing an influx of new residents, jobs, business, tourism, education, and entertainment. It will emphasize the creation of affordable housing and preserve the good tradition, culture, and history of its neighborhoods. It will empower the people living and working along The Trail to envision a livable place and create a sense of pride.
OBTNext Principles transformation
OBTNext Principles safety


Prevention and Justice

The OBT corridor—The Trail—will focus on crime prevention practices and ensuring The Trail is a safe area. It will work among jurisdictions to create programs, increase policing and strong code enforcement to reduce crime and improve the character of the area. It will empower its residents to file complaints against violators and criminals along the corridor and in the neighborhoods. The Trail will have safer streets for pedestrians and cyclists.


Access and Affordability

The OBT corridor—The Trail—will have equitable neighborhoods with access to jobs, training, housing, food and community services, a place where residents live with dignity and security. The Trail would be an inclusive place that promotes social justice. It will provide affordable housing opportunities and home literacy programs for existing and new residents. It will provide access to quality open and community spaces to recreate, learn, and promote active living. It will foster partnerships with schools and higher education institutions. It will provide access to quality health care and good schools, youth programs, daycare, and social and cultural amenities.
OBTNext equity image
OBTNext Principles growth


Diverse and Sustainable

The OBT corridor—The Trail—will have five growing distinct districts receiving an influx of new jobs and serve as the center for traditional jobs and emerging high-production industries. The districts will be in constant change and will adapt to the different influences of the market. The corridor will realize full potential of vacant and underutilized land, enhanced access to housing and jobs, as well as reinvestment in government-owned properties and large, contiguous parcels for future infill development. The corridor will attract economically vibrant mixed uses of businesses and development. All new development will follow sustainable practices and provide adequate infrastructure. Neighborhoods will be strong and diverse, and will provide existing and new residents with an affordable and mixed income housing stock with opportunities for homeownership and home literacy.


Linkages and Networks

The OBT corridor—The Trail—will improve connections with the adjacent community, and the larger Central Florida Region and strengthen the connection with downtown Orlando. It will see improved mobility in the form of enhanced public transportation and more walkable and bikeable streetscapes. It will create linkages among local and regional destinations and encourage a network of business, neighborhoods, and local organizations.
OBTNext Principles connectivity

Learn More. Read Our Master Plan.


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